Robot Army

Manufacture and deploy automated robot soldiers to attack your foes and defend your factory!

7 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b Pathfinding

8 years ago

Robots are stuck at L crossing tranport belt and they starting to spinforever

8 years ago

Yes, factorio pathfinding sucks. My droids use biter pathfinders to get from A to B and they get confused if they hit a transport belt. Avoid having droids deployed near belts. Deploy outside of main factory walls or close enough to the target that they don't need to go through an area with belts

8 years ago

atleast can you try to fix spinning problem ?

8 years ago

Sorry, I don't have control over that. That's a unit AI issue in Factorio itself.

8 years ago

So, I learned the hard way that I need to provide them with a path through my base. In this screenshot, I re-activated a disabled spawn point (four of them, actually) at the southern end of my base. they all took off to the north.

I am going to make some changes to my base so they have a nice, clean path to go where-ever they need to.

I am having a lot of fun with this mod and like it a bunch.

8 years ago

hyspeed, one way you can avoid path finding issues is by following these tips:

  1. Deploy droids as close as possible to their targets, or at least in the general direction
  2. Never deploy droids near belts (spaghetti) or inside factory main walls
  3. Try to control how many and when droids are deployed - batches are better than streams.
8 years ago

I wanted to provide an update. I modified my base to have the paths I mentioned. The result is fantastic! They spawn in this pathway then use it to get through the base.

I recently added a rocket version (3:1 ratio) and it is great against behemoths.
I saw a comment about them using gates - even if the AI evolved where they could, please don't. It would mess up a lot of this for me. :)

Finally, thanks again for the mod - I'm having a ton of fun with it.

8 years ago

hyspeed - cool! Looks like a fancy intersection set-up there, with a nice "road" for the droid army :)

That's a good idea using the walls + gates to make player (and train!) access but give a clear way for the droids to path-find in.

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