Robot Mining Site

by judos

Adds mining robots and a robot mining site which can be configured to mine nearby resources

2 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Mining bots cannot be mined once placed down

4 years ago

As the title said, I accidentally placed down a mining bot during a lag spike when I'm sorting my inventory, resulting in placing of the mining bot, I tried removing it as how you will do it for other bots, and was greeted with the sentence "enemy structures cannot be mined". So now I have an awkward robot hovering in the middle of my base among the mass of logistic bots.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

May I suggest having the bot be non-placeable or have it crafted internally by the robot site when proper materials are placed in the building and to be deconstructed and kept within the robot site when the building is mined up?

4 years ago

place down a robot mining site and it will go in there and you can mine the site or take it out of the chest

4 years ago

Ok that works, was hoping if the enemy structure thing is only applied when the bot is placed inside the roboport, thank you for the help!

4 years ago

This "error" is caused by the mining robots being assigned to a special ingame force to prevent them from moving to regular roboports. If this would be corrected, mining robots might fly to regular roboports and thus stop mining resources.

New response