Robot Mining Site

by judos

Adds mining robots and a robot mining site which can be configured to mine nearby resources

2 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g cant remove object

5 years ago

When I try to remove the mining site, by hand or with a red blueprint, the game crashes.

also, could you make more mining robots tiers?, as much as bob's bots (if bob's logistics is instaled)

5 years ago

The bug which made the game crash when removing a mining site should be fixed in the most recent version (about 2 hours ago). If you still have trouble, please post a crash report.
Multiple tiers of robots are available, but only in bob's logistics is installed. They nee to be researched separately.
If they don't show up in your tech tree, please confirm higher tiers are enabled in the settings menu.

5 years ago

you're right, I have the extra robot tiers now, but I still have this error when removing mining site:

Error while running event robotMiningSite::on_pre_player_mined_item(ID 11)
real number expected got nil.

this happens when I try to remove it by hand, with a red blueprint and robots Works just fine

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