
by dorfl

A Substation with robot recharge ports and a security camera.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1
Logistic network

b Damage will result in lost of logistic network

5 years ago

if the robosubstation gets damage (you can prove it with the pistol) and is not destroyed, they lose the logistic network feature and acts as a dumb substation
- the animation reflect this, the propeller is not spinning anymore
- repair will not help, no logistic network
- if the station gets enought damage to be destroyed, a new robosubstation is placed and all is fine

by the way... a great mod and a simple solution! THX tried all the different roboportmods but this one is so simple, great!

5 years ago

Thanks, fixed in 0.1.5.

Easiest way was to make the roboport part indestructible. It's already auto-removed if the substation itself dies. I think that combination means biters won't target either part, unless like any power pole the substation obstructs their path.

5 years ago

wow thats fast... thx!

New response