
by dorfl

A Substation with robot recharge ports and a security camera.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1
Logistic network

b doesnt work with electric poles +

5 years ago

hey just q quick bugreport wehn i have lighted poles + installed the added lighted version of yours dosnt work correctly

5 years ago

Thanks. Pushed a workaround to 0.1.3.

Lighted Electric Poles + isn't designed to support complex modded poles that have their own control code, so I've added a mod setting to watch for the LEP entity names and (hopefully) react correctly.

5 years ago

th ework around sort of works the only thing that is not working miner issue is the roboport conection preview taht you would normally get

5 years ago

Can't fix the preview unfortunately. Since we're using two entities to simulate one -- a substation and a tiny roboport -- there doesn't appear to be a way to have Factorio display the previews for both power and logistic networks at the same time.

This is one reason the power footprint is identical to the logistic footprint. Easiest way to see both until I find a fix...

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