More Roboport Charge Pads with Quality

Roboports gain more pads with ihgher quality.

3 months ago
Logistic network

g Desyncs

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

At first I thought it was the infinite worker carrying capacity mod, but it was actually this one causing the desyncs.

Mod List:
Factorio Library
Bottleneck Lite
More Roboport Charge Pads with Quality

I tried removing the charge pads mod and the desyncs haven't happened since then. I have had other issues, but those aren't the same thing. I'm running super huge megabases on 3 planets, so I'm definitely pushing limits. Also it's multiplayer with a dedicated server.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Desyncs are present in the current factorio releases, nothing to do with this mod. Check and other threads on the forum. This mod doesn't even add anything. It just changes 1 in-game value of the roboport entity. Desyncs can be caused by mods which have the control.lua file.

3 months ago

I've reported this multiple times already across many game versions, I hope they fix whatever is causing this in the next release. It happens on vanilla as well.

New response