Schmitt | Rich Trees 🌳🪓

Trees give 10 instead of 4 wood.

11 months ago

g Error on loading

4 months ago

Hi. I got thie error while lod ton of mods based on SE.

Other mods i use:
-Clean Tree Burning
-Tree Cleaner
-Tree Collision

As you see, no mod collision showed, but still.

4 months ago

Hi. I got thie error while lod ton of mods based on SE.

Other mods i use:
-Clean Tree Burning
-Tree Cleaner
-Tree Collision

As you see, no mod collision showed, but still.

Interesting. The error says the variable mineable cannot be found (which is altered by my mod) but that is a vanilla variable afaik. Very strange error. Probably some SE related topic.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Hi. I got thie error while lod ton of mods based on SE.

Other mods i use:
-Clean Tree Burning
-Tree Cleaner
-Tree Collision

As you see, no mod collision showed, but still.

Interesting. The error says the variable mineable cannot be found (which is altered by my mod) but that is a vanilla variable afaik. Very strange error. Probably some SE related topic.

In that case, i blame the SE Vitamelange, which is organic (like: player, Biter, tree) but a mineable resource. Organic: the "Ultimate Virus" idk the exact name of the research/weapon but i know what it does: destroy every lifeform on a planet, also kill the Vitamelange "ore"patches, and make the surface unbreathable.

4 months ago
for _, name in pairs( data.raw.tree) do
    name.minable.count = 10

This will crash with any mod that adds a tree without mining result. You need to check if they have a minable field first.

New response