Artisanal Reskins: Compatibility

by Kirazy

Reskins items, entities, and technologies within mods that don't fit within the scope of the other Artisanal Reskin mods, limited to those mods that extend or play nice with Bob's and Angel's mods. Features high-res icons and updated sprites to align these mods with Artisanal Reskins, and supports player-customizable tier labels, colors and mapping. See the mod portal for a detailed list of supported mods. Part of the Artisanal Reskins series.

9 months ago

b Startup error

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

After last updates to reskins got a new startup conflict
Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: reskins-library/api/icons.lua:229: Invalid filename: 'icon' must be an absolute file path, but was 'Bio_Industries/graphics/icons/bio_seed.png'.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
reskins-library/api/icons.lua:229: in function 'add_missing_icon_defaults'
reskins-library/api/icons.lua:295: in function <reskins-library/api/icons.lua:290>
(...tail calls...)
reskins-library/api/icons.lua:1127: in function 'get_icons_from_source'
reskins-library/api/icons.lua:1244: in function 'create_icons_from_sources'
...skins-compatibility__/prototypes/mods/bio-industries.lua:247: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
reskins-compatibility/data-final-fixes.lua:10: in main chunk

Mods to be disabled:
• reskins-compatibility (2.2.0)
(editor mistook a bunch of _ _ for markdown but w/e)

10 months ago

Aight simple fix, just gotta tweak the regex pattern for recognizing mod roots. It doesn't like the middle underscore.

10 months ago

Shoullllld be fixed. :>

10 months ago

Yep everything is fine, thx

New response