Research queue

Allows players to queue research, view research by required science packs, and automatically queue prerequisites for desired tech. Special thanks to Chrisgbk for 0.16 update.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

g 0.16 update

7 years ago

This should fix most of the problems, aside from a few graphical icon issues - styles are fixed, checkboxes are moved to the new on_gui_checked_state_changed event, and so on. I can't say for sure that nothing is left unbroken, but the vast majority of the functionality should be working.

7 years ago

Did you manage to get the ingredient sorting to work properly? I don't know why it wasn't changing the filters when pressing the buttons for me.

7 years ago

The checkboxes relied on old behaviour, where they would trigger on_gui_click; in 0.16 they exclusively call on_gui_checked_state_changed instead. So yes, it should be working, unless I missed any checkboxes.

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