Research queue

Allows players to queue research, view research by required science packs, and automatically queue prerequisites for desired tech. Special thanks to Chrisgbk for 0.16 update.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

i Drawing grid cell

8 years ago

I didn't look at factorio mod code yet, but would be possible to put something like "try catch" on the onDrawingCell? Looks like there is some mods that throw the error when trying to show it on the research Queue windows. "Your are there looking your research available then suddenly" crash trying draw an icon. If possible, would be nice in case of failure, output a blank cell, and send chat message something like 'mod.tecnology.SomeTecnologyName not loaded', so you can keep playing it and don't rage quit kkkkk

8 years ago

To be honest, I'm only upkeeping the mod because the actual author hasn't yet done anything regarding 0.13 or further. As far as I'm concerned the GUI is deep magic and I can't do anything with it. Sorry :(

8 years ago

Oh, nice you are keeping it up, didn't know that the author wasn't working on the mod any more. Hmm i know a little about program language, but never tried any factorio or other game that allows lua script. Thanks for the reply, if I found something i will talk to you.

8 years ago

I post some work around on the forum thread.

New response