Research Combinator deprecated

A combinator that reports information about the current research.

5 years ago
0.14 - 0.17

i Only detects full percentage?

7 years ago

I'm not sure if I'm using this right, I'm trying to disable the power to the research labs (and all their beacons really...) when running research. I'm not seeing a way to differentiate "0% of current research" vs. "not researching". I separated 2 labs to always run so they get it to 1% "gray > 0" but for REALLY big research (think late upgrades...) getting to 1% of 12k with just a few labs just to turn on the "big guns" is pretty hard.

Am I not using this as intended, or could we get something like "no research = -1, any research => 0"?

7 years ago

0% of current research should still output the name, so Anything>0 should be true when a research is selected.

7 years ago

I've now tried anything > 0 and gray > 0, both only seem to trigger once 1% (as far as I can see from the progress bar) is reached. In the code (and I'm NOT a modder), I see a math.floor being used, would that not send out a 0 until at least 1.00... was reached? So it won't be > 0?

7 years ago

floor() is only applied to the progress, because circuit signals can't have fractional parts. The research name string should output (as a collection of letter signals) on the next refresh (about 1s) after the research changes, then the progress signal will follow it once it reaches a number that can be reported.