
Gives more life to your world by allowing trees to grow and spread.

7 years ago

g How does it work?

7 years ago

Can you explain how the spreading of trees works? How can player influence it? I'm thinking about installing it. Thanks

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

It's pretty simple. It iterates over every loaded chunk, randomly selects a couple, and marks them for tree propagation. If any chunks have been marked for propagation, it grabs a random tree from that chunk and tries to spawn a new tree of the same type within 12 tiles of it.

Right now there isn't a way for a player to influence it in-game. This was made to somewhat mimic natural forest growth while still being somewhat useful.

Currently this happens every 12500 to 25000 ticks, or half-day to full day. I'm working on a version that is more configurable, and will allow other entity types to be registered either in configs or at runtime.

7 years ago

However, if you have any suggestions on how you would like player interaction with tree growth to work, I would love to hear it.

7 years ago

With the 0.13 ability to spread fire it becomes interesting
Do you check if the ground isa desert to slow down propagation ?

7 years ago

I like the mod. It makes the game evolve that bit more natural-like.
I don't think you need to integrate player interaction. That's something for treefarms or bio-industries or whatever.
Make the propagation a little more advanced like nyghtbrynger suggests. Make the growth naturaly bigger in green biomes than desert biomes. That brings this mod right on the missing-mod-spot.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I currently do not check, but I am definitely working that direction. :)
(Updates have now been posted)

7 years ago

Question is, will this one work in multiplayer? the other mod that does this, doesn't work very well, causing desynchs.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I haven't had a chance to test multiplayer, as none of my friends own Factorio.
I will have a GitHub repository for this up soon. So feel free to post any problems you have here until that is up.
EDIT: GitHub repository is now up

New response