Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Add Entities Queued for Deconstruction To Resource Scanner

2 years ago

Hi folks. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a count of entities queued for deconstruction to the resource scanner? I'm using this mod to dynamically deconstruct and rebuild sections of the factory. However, it's difficult to deterministically wait for the previous deconstruction order to finish before ordering a blueprint to be placed down over it. If a blueprint is placed before construction bots finish deconstructing everything, it cancels deconstruction orders on overlapping entities, putting the section into bad state.

Thank you for the consideration!

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I would prefer to be able to see all construction bot jobs, not just deconstructions. I want to know if any placed blueprint, upgrade or deconstruction of entities or tiles is in progress in the area I want to place my next blueprint/deconstruction in. And personally I don't really need to know what it is (or count might not be that important either), so maybe negative con bots as output (just 1 signal to check for) for count of "jobs" in the area. If it is 0 then no ghosts, upgrades or deconstructions are planned and it is safe to send my next instruction to the blueprint printer. Or just -1 if there is any jobs at all if the CPU cost is less for not caring about exact count. If I use the RB and circuits to send commands I know what I did, I just need some way to wait until it has been completely built.

The ghost scanner mod can't scan at arbitrary offsets. It can't scan in other networks. It can't scan multiple overlapping networks. It can't scan parts of networks (currently using 1 construction network but I only care about the cell I'm going to place a blueprint in). It can't scan outside construction networks (The roboports themselves might be ghosts! Or maybe I'm depending on spiders to construct which would make ghost scanner mod useless). I just want to send X,Y,W,H and know if there's anything left to wait for within that exact area without caring about construction networks.

2 years ago

The fork Recursive Blueprints+ has this and some other features added.

New response