Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Usage information

3 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)


2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Bluepeports are not blocked.

What is a bluepeport?

Deployers sometimes connect circuit wires across “gaps” over big poles when their wire colors exist in adjacent segments.

I don't believe you. Placing blueprints doesn't randomly connect circuit wires, wires only connect when you overlap entities perfectly. And deployers don't alter this behavior. If the power poles connect wires then it's because you overlapped connected poles, maybe by mistake. Don't blame your mistakes on the mod and fix your positioning. Or show proof and submit a bug report.

Resource scanner settings (including variables) will often reset to default values and variables if editing a blueprint containing scanners.

Is this bug reported with reproduction steps?

Updates after initial placement must be forced by either removing/replacing or by setting scan coordinates as variables and pulsing them to the scanner for at least 2 ticks.

Wrong. The scanner responds to single tick commands and responds the tick after like any vanilla combinator.

A blueprint book hides +1 decon and +1 upgrade signals from the circuit network; only the book signal will show on an electric pole.

Wrong. Signals of different types can't cancel out each other.

Resource scanners cannot detect moving enemies, but will output -1 artillery shell for each spawner or worm in their scan area (up to 999x999 tiles).

The 999 tile w,h limit is the only useful information on the mod not available from this mods page that this document adds. But considering all the other errors in the document I went to the source code to verify it since I didn't trust the document considering all the other errors. That it will not detect moving enemies is obvious from the name "resource scanner" and the signal being artillery shells and the fact that moving enemies don't block blueprint placement.

The document is a tutorial on circuit networks for beginners and isn't really about the Recursive Blueprints mod. And it's very wordy for a document for something that is supposed to be a faster than watching a long video. Many text descriptions of things are partial descriptions of circuits that just confuse beginners with the missing information and experts with all the mistakes and non-optimal choices. But if you trim it down and add pictures, short video demos and blueprints of what you accomplished and that show what you mean it might help some beginners.

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