Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Possible Suggestion for the Resource Scanner

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I have been having issues with the Resource Scanner not remembering its settings the steps I'm taking I'll list below to ensure I'm not just stupid, but I was wanting to suggest maybe having the Resource Scanner Hardcoded to override with external signals. Similar to how you have to feed the Deployer Chest with an X,Y,W,H and others. Now I know that reusing X,Y,W,H will jack with all the hard work others have done, but having it mapped to like L,M,N,O or have it configurable by Mod settings. This would probably fix a lot of the issues people are having with the blueprints wiping the Scanner's settings. Thank You.

What I've been pulling my hair out doing
1. Create a layout that uses Resource Scanner (with a modified scan area), Deployer Chest, Roboport, a bunch of logic decider stuff.
2. Press Alt+B to create a new Blueprint.
3. Select the entire area. (New Blueprint Window Pops up)
4. Rename Blueprint
5. Change the Icons
6. Turn on the Tiles
7. Clean up the Tiles to the actual size I want
8. Save Blueprint
9. Destroy the area created in Step 1
10. Select Blueprint and laydown Blueprint on the same spot
11. Resource Scanner back to default
(I've even skipped Steps 4-7 and it still broke)

Also : the following link goes to a Google Doc I have that has the string for a blueprint I have where the Resource Scanner refuses to remember its settings. Maybe someone can figure out why it wipes, the section that has the logic works on its own but when in the same blueprint as the miners and the wall it breaks

3 years ago

Thanks for the report, but I am unable to reproduce it.

Are you using the latest version of the mod?

Are you using any other mods that edit blueprints?

3 years ago

yes, I have the latest version of the mod, and I don't believe I have any mods that modify blueprints, but it's not outside the realm of possibilities that one of them is breaking it.

Current Active Mods:
Alien Biomes
Factorio Standard Library
Far Zoom - Bud
Large lamp
Nice Try, Train
Reverse Factory
Space Extension Mod
Squeak Through
The Fat Controller
Water Well

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