Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Spidertron Builder?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I have a problem. I want a Spidertron to be able to use this mod to build an outpost. Any ideas? For example I don't mind if I have to manually place the initial blue print. I just want the Spidertron to automatically place down the Recursive Blueprint but I can't figure out how to make my Spidertron load a blueprint into the box that needs the blueprint to exicute, etc. Blueprints don't have blueprints within them.... And I can't make it work. I have to have a Roboport loaded with drones to accomplish this so it won't work for remote outposts that I have figured out so far. I'm working on an alternative without having to use Recursive Blueprints.

4 years ago

I recommend asking for a standalone Spidertron Blueprint mod in

That will automatically be compatible with this mod without requiring it.

3 years ago

You could offset an already placed blueprint deployer to achieve the same effect. feed a blueprint deployer and X and Y signal to offset where it places the blueprint - i feel like this would have the same result - sorry for the zombie post

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