Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Positioning via Wooden chest or Blueprint deployed is bugged in 1.0.0

4 years ago

Hi DaveMcW! I've been playing around with Recursive Blueprints for a while now, and it is awesome! However, a recent update completely broke the positioning of the blueprint via wooden crates as well as deployer chests. For example, when I try this simple blueprint


it does not center it on any of the boxes, but instead places it either above the deployer chest (Absolute reference point set in blueprint) or somewhere quite far away on the map (any other setting on the blueprint). This only happens with blueprints created with recent versions of Factorio. Blueprints from old versions of factorio such as


continue to work as expected. I would assume that the internal coordinate system of blueprints got changed somehow, and thus weird and interesting offsets are introduced.

4 years ago

Oh it's much worst I tried telling the deployer to build a rather small 13x9 blueprint on X0 Y0 and it built it like at X200 Y200 what's going on here?

4 years ago

Factorios new blueprint handeling saves the bp´s map coordinates in the bp wether or not it is enabled.
Somehow the mod uses these coordinates for placement.
This results in every bp having it´s own offset if it was taken from diffrent positions on the map.
And I found that the placement also does not use the deployer chest as refrence point but the center of each blueprint.
Would love to get an update or some guidance/ideas for adjusting the source code myself.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thanks for the report, it is fixed in version 1.0.0

Wooden chests and deployer chests are no longer special. Instead, you can use a 1x1 grid with an absolute reference point to specify the anchor point.

4 years ago

Thank you so much for the update, the weekend is saved :-)

4 years ago

Thank you good sir!

New response