Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g I want set filter to deconstruction signal

4 years ago

I have deconstruction signal in my circuit network. How I should set filters to blueprint combinator? This is even possible without using deconstruction as item?

4 years ago

Maybe need some improvements to functionality?
I see next changes: Deconstruction-signal with -4 and -5 deconstruct and cancel deconstruct. Adding new values needed for back-compartibility.
Add new signals: "Filtered" and "Reverse".
Filtered-signal with value -1 sets "only trees and rocks" mode.
Filtered-signal with value 1 sets filtering mode, which all other signals > 0 apply to blueprint filter.
Reverse-signal enables reverse deconstruction mode.

Your thoughts about it? You allow git patches?

4 years ago

Filtered deconstruction in Factorio requires a deconstruction planner item.

If you want to do filtered deconstruction with signals, the mod has to create a deconstruction planner item anyway. It seems easier to use a filtered deconstruction planner item in the chest.

4 years ago

I totally agree with you, deconstruction item is must to be created.
In my one case first I want construct chunk rails, second deconstruct all trees, third construct mining stuff, fourth deconstruct only miners, poles and logistics, fifth setup facility. And second and fourth step force me use three bp-deployers or ejects-puts deconstructions back-forward.
If its functionality breaks down ups, fine now. But if it ups-friendly, bp-deployer will get greater automation level.

4 years ago

If you want to do filtered deconstruction with signals, the mod has to create a deconstruction planner item anyway. It seems easier to use a filtered deconstruction planner item in the chest.

I want to do filtered deconstruction with signals. But I want dynamic filters. I can't create the 2^100 deconstruction planners that are in the possibility space, so the filtered planner must be made by the Recursive Blueprint mod in response to the input signals when needed. Precomputation is impossible and very messy.

I guess I could make a filtered planner that is whitelisted to a single item and do repeated deconstructions over the area, and only need the 100 filtered whitelisted-to-one-item deconplanners. But since decon planners can't be put in a blueprint book I need 100 Recursive Deployers instead of the single Deployer I have right now. And it's a pain that every user has to replicate to use this functionality. And then I have to remember what index I gave to each of the 100 deconplanners that I had to make, because I can't just signal what I want deconstructed.

If it was part of the mod we would just send a decon -1 signal and all the item signals we want blacklisted (or deconplanner -4 and items are treated as whitelist) and the mod creates the planner internally, hidden from user, if it is a technical necessity.

Would be nice if a LUA combinator connected to a Deployer was all that was needed without a lot of extra ugly translation circuits because of missing functionality. This brings me to the fact that I want to contruct without a blueprint book too, pure signals. I don't want to have to make a book full of single item blueprints just so that I can create dynamic structures in code. Might be nice with some grid repetition syntax (2 unit vectors and width and heigh of the grid). That would make it possible to deploy lines, rectangles, rhombuses and paralellograms in any rotation and spacing in one tick without a blueprint too :)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

But since decon planners can't be put in a blueprint book I need 100 Recursive Deployers instead of the single Deployer I have right now.

Good news, you can now put deconstruction planners in a blueprint book.

The lack of precise signal control is the reason why justarandomgeek abandoned this mod and made

4 years ago

Yeah I guess that mod is a better fit. I knew about it, but preferred some of the design choices of RB over CM. But I guess I have outgrown the design goals of RB with that kind of feature request. Thanks anyway, it's a cool mod.

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