Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Deconstruction Rotation

5 years ago

I have spent the past few days creating blueprints for a walking wall creator. Now that is is working properly i rotate for my west wall only to be surprised when the delete command did not rotate. am i missing something or do you have to calculate this change as well. what i am trying to delete is a small rectangle that contains the controlling functions moving them forward, for the north wall its parallel and for the west wall it will be vertical. (note-the deployer is not in the center but at the front of the BP.

5 years ago

No, you cannot rotate a blueprint that contains deconstruction logic.

To implement this, the mod would have to reverse engineer the circuit. This is theoretically impossible in general (

5 years ago

you may be correct in some cases, but in my case it would just be take the numbers read by the deployer and transpose the coordinates just as it does for the x and y for the BP paste function.

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