Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Refresh deconstruction orders

5 years ago

Deconstruction orders seem to have a relatively short timeout. On bigger blueprints, this could lead to a situation where an entity ghost is still active, but the deconstruct order to remove a tree or rock is gone, causing a robot to hover over the ghost indefinitely.

As long as the chest has a construct signal, it'll keep pushing out the blueprint, but it won't refresh the deconstruct orders. Would it be possible to add this?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

No, because there would be no way to recognize that a deconstruction order was fully completed. If this was implemented and you wanted to place a construction blueprint over that area, it would immediately be removed due to the deconstruction refresh. This could also cause a huge memory problem, because every deconstruct area would have to be cached instead of just the active one.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I am struggling with this at the moment. Anyone have found work around? Every now and then, my whole system jams because blueprint cannot be finished. Drones are waiting for deconstruction of tree/cliff but there is no deconstruction order issued (or it faded?).

Is this timeout or some other problem with render distance from player? It is hard for me to track exact moment when it occurs.

I am talking about way shorter time then few hours - It can happen to my blueprints that usualy are fully placed in max. 5 minutes.

4 years ago

If dave doesn't get to it first I'll look into it

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