Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Filtered deconstruction planner

6 years ago

Hey Dave, is there a way to only deconstruct certain entities in an area?

6 years ago

This is now possible in version 0.17.

5 years ago

How about filtering with a deconplanner + signal-white for whitelist + signals for whitelisted items to deconstruct (or signal-black + signals for blacklisted items)?
Since we can't put filtered decon planners in blueprint books I can't programmatically do a filtered deconstruction unless I have a deployer for every possible filtering I want to use. And then I have to somehow link my deconstruction signals to only the right deployer and offset that deployers position compared to the one with the book.

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