Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Landfill when trying to place a recursive blueprint?

6 years ago

I was thinking that this mod would be ideal when playing with the "no biter expansion" setting to clear a path and lay down rail to the good far deposits.

For example:

  • Place some rail.
  • Place a forward Artillery post (with appropriate defenses).
  • Let Artillery trains go out to the Artillery post and clear what they see.
  • Return Artillery trains to the ammo depot.
  • Deconstruct the Artillery post.
  • Place more rail.
  • Rinse and repeat.

But... I then realized that it is inevitable that the unattended process will eventually find water and break since vanilla can't place landfill from blueprints.

So... Is this mod known to play well with any of the landfill mods? Which landfill mod would you recommend to handle the situation where autoplacing a blueprint encounters water?

6 years ago

Yes, this mod is compatible with landfill mods. I know landfill bots were buggy a while ago, I haven't been keeping up with the fixes.

6 years ago

Thank you DaveMcCW.

Which landfill mod would you recommend as the most reliable when used in combination with your recursive blueprints?

Or by "not keeping up with fixes" do you mean that it would be best to not waste time trying it as I would likely encounter problems?

6 years ago

I am using Bot Landfill

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