Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Blueprint Copier

6 years ago

Hi there DaveMcW. I hope you've been having a good day. Also your mod is really fun and useful sadly it is somewhat limited at the moment as to what it can and can not do. Now before you pass me off first let me explain what I mean and what I've been trying to do with it.

I've been trying to use your mod to make a self expanding factory. But as of now your mod can only allow for one to build a self expanding factory that goes in a certain directions or go in a spiral which in both cases they're stuck to go at a set rate and cannot expand at a exponential rate. Also any factory using this would fail to think about obstacles/hostiles.

Now to resolve this problem all that would be needed is to add in a simple blueprint/book copier that does what what it says. With not being restricted to a limited number of blueprints/books a self expanding factory can truly take form. Now frankly I haven't been able to find another mod that does this and I am not skill enough to create such a mod. But I would think adding this simple addition would really go well with you current mod.

So what do you think? Did I lose you or do you like/dislike this suggestion?

6 years ago

Ok, added in version 0.16.1

6 years ago

Thank you Dave this will help me a lot. Also honestly I wasn't expecting to you to add this in, so I guess you have pleasantly surprised me. :)

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