Recursive Blueprints

by DaveMcW

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Example / Tutorials

7 years ago

hi all,
the bare-bone explanation on the front page is just that, extremely basics.

Where can I find examples?

I am trying to build a self replicating factory, yet nothing is starting...have the blueprint, the deployer, the materials, 2x deciders with right H and W data....but nothing starts.

Any help appreciated.

7 years ago

Give the deployer a construction-robot=n (with n=1 for single blueprint) siganl. Then construction should start.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

there is one dude that made his factory self-expanding, and set it up to locate and harvest any available resources, then tear down the miners, expand further, and repeat.

edit: here it is:
map download here:
so you can download it,load it up, and see how he did it.
Yes, the basics of the mod are fairly straightforward...implementing them in a way you want to takes some critical thinking, blueprint making, and some planning.

6 years ago

where is the deployer chest? I can't find it

5 years ago

Research construction robotics. It's close to the logistics chests in the crafting menu.

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