Copying/cutting/blueprinting a scanner crashes the game (constructing/deconstructing it works fine). New freeplay save with my mods:
I couldn't figure out the nested signals. I managed to deploy Blueprint II (see link) with signals 1(2) and bot(2) but didn't understand why that worked. Nothing I tried deployed Bp I with 1(2) held. Bot(4) and bot(5) both deployed Bp III with 1(2) held, although Bp III was outside the book containing Bp II.
I'm not sure what the scanner [-] checkboxes do. I thought they hid signals but they unchecked (after being manually checked) whenever signals were updated. Also, default filter 966 always output uncharted chunks, water, trees and rocks, and raw resources (unchecked by default).
The new scanner functions look great. It can scan once/manually and store ghost signals like a memory cell, avoiding UPS hits from regular scans and overinserting after bots "disappear" items from the logistic network (unlike Ghost Scanner). And it can be automated (unlike Ghost Counter). I also like the option of seeing real building/decon progress instead of guessing from bot activity/logistic satisfaction.