RealVictorPRM's Subterranean

Adds a few tiers of underground belt/pipe that can go much farther than standard underground belts/pipes, and charges the player a number of belts/pipes based on the distance between the entrance and exit belt/pipe. When used with Bob's Logistics, it will apply these same effects to it's underground belts and specific pipes.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b Compatibility Factorio 0.17 + Ballast's Bolognese Modpack

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I don't know why, but is not working with my installed mods. only standard length available.
Ballast's Bolognese Modpack (Bobs Logistic+)
Factorio 0.17.79
BTW possible to support Wood Pipes too (Bio Industries)?
best regards. kux

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