RealVictorPRM's Subterranean

Adds a few tiers of underground belt/pipe that can go much farther than standard underground belts/pipes, and charges the player a number of belts/pipes based on the distance between the entrance and exit belt/pipe. When used with Bob's Logistics, it will apply these same effects to it's underground belts and specific pipes.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i Do you want ownership of my version of the mod?

6 years ago

I am not interested in maintaining my version of the mod as you can see by its "deprecated" status. Are you interested in me transferring ownership of my mod to you? This will allow users of my mod to update to your version automatically, meaning that they will get your changes automatically.

5 years ago

Oh OK well if you don't want I can take over, it would be an honour :)

5 years ago

Have fun with it :)

New response