RealVictorPRM's Suit Plug Continued

Mod that allows you to charge your power suit with your factory's power and optional support for mods adding grids to vehicles. Now also includes multiple mk versions of the suit-plug equipment. This is a custom version derived from

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b Crash on load [0.17.23] technology name

5 years ago

Crash on load in Factorio version 0.17.23.
Error in AssignID, technology with name 'electric-energy-accumulators-1' does not exist.

Apparently tech name is now "electric-energy-accumulators", as per game code.

5 years ago

Been getting the same error " technology with name 'electric-energy-accumulators-1' does not exist."
Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

New response