Hi, sorry for the delay!
Here's my mod list:
Aircraft = "1.8.4",
AircraftRealism = "1.4.1",
AutoDeconstruct = "0.3.3",
BlueprintLab_design = "1.0.3",
BottleneckLite = "1.2.4",
CleanedConcrete = "1.0.2",
Companion_Drones = "1.0.24",
["Constructron-Continued"] = "1.0.33",
EditorExtensions = "1.13.4",
FluidMustFlow = "1.3.1",
HallOfFame = "1.14.0",
Krastorio2 = "1.3.4",
Krastorio2Assets = "1.2.0",
LTN_Combinator_Modernized = "1.0.11",
Landfill_plus = "1.0.19",
LogisticRequestManager = "1.1.23",
LogisticTrainNetwork = "1.16.10",
LtnManager = "0.4.15",
Milestones = "1.3.7",
ModuleInserter = "5.2.4",
Noxys_Waterfill = "0.4.4",
OreEraser = "1.5.6",
["OutpostPlanner1-1"] = "1.2.3",
["PlannerCore1-1"] = "0.3.2",
RateCalculator = "2.4.4",
RecipeBook = "3.4.5",
StoneWaterWell = "1.20.1",
TimeTools = "2.1.44",
["Todo-List"] = "19.2.0",
VehicleSnap = "1.18.4",
WellPlanner = "1.1.0",
WireShortcuts = "1.1.9",
["aai-containers"] = "0.2.11",
["aai-industry"] = "0.5.19",
["aai-signal-transmission"] = "0.4.7",
["alien-biomes"] = "0.6.7",
base = "1.1.68",
bobinserters = "1.1.5",
["bullet-trails"] = "0.6.2",
["emoji-signals"] = "0.2.0",
["equipment-gantry"] = "0.1.5",
["even-distribution"] = "1.0.10",
factoryplanner = "1.1.51",
["far-reach"] = "1.1.2",
["faster-robots"] = "0.0.2",
flib = "0.10.1",
["grappling-gun"] = "0.3.2",
inbuilt_lighting = "20.1.11",
informatron = "0.2.3",
jetpack = "0.3.5",
["logtech-beacon"] = "1.2.1",
more_circuit_signals_UPDATED = "1.2.1",
["nixie-tubes"] = "1.1.3",
["power-grid-comb"] = "1.1.0",
railloader = "1.1.6",
resourceMarker = "0.7.28",
robot_attrition = "0.5.12",
["rocket-log"] = "1.1.9",
["shield-projector"] = "0.1.6",
simhelper = "1.1.4",
["solar-calc"] = "0.3.11",
["space-exploration"] = "0.6.85",
["space-exploration-graphics"] = "0.6.11",
["space-exploration-graphics-2"] = "0.6.1",
["space-exploration-graphics-3"] = "0.6.1",
["space-exploration-graphics-4"] = "0.6.2",
["space-exploration-graphics-5"] = "0.6.1",
["space-exploration-menu-simulations"] = "0.6.8",
["space-exploration-postprocess"] = "0.6.18",
And the exact sequence of steps was:
- open the editor
- open the blueprint library and grab a station bp than included BRLs
- stamp it down
- try to blueprint it again using the Alt+B shortcut
- crash
It also happened when I tried blueprinting a station that was already on the map.
Obviously, it didn't use to happen before, given that I had blueprints with BRLs in my bp library. And now it's not happening any more, but I hope this is useful to you in some way. Thanks for the quick reply and the great mod!