Bulk Rail Loader

by therax

Bulk train loader/unloader with buffer.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Trains only load ore

2 years ago

Factorio 1.1.59 | BRL 1.1.6 --- I'm not entirely sure what's actually wrong, but trains wont load anything but ore despite the allow items option being set to any. The loaders load plates fine, but trains come in and sit until they timeout, but nothing is loaded. Ore stations work fine.

2 years ago

See the first question on the FAQ. You probably changed the mod options from the main menu, which doesn't affect any saves you already have in progress, only new maps. You have to change the options after the save is loaded.

2 years ago

Bingo. Thanks. I figured it had to be something stupid since everything else worked and I'd never had issues previously. Sorry for the fuss.

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