Radar improvement research

by Jorn86

Allows upgrading radar scanning distance and speed

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Conflict with Pyanodon Local Radar

4 years ago

Same as the issue with Vehicle Radar, every Pyanodon's Industry Local radar (item = py-local-radar) has been replaced with a vanilla radar. Placing a new one instantly changes to a vanilla.

Can you make a similar fix?

4 years ago

Looking at Py's mod I think the Mega Radar (item = megadar) will have the same problem.

4 years ago

now I am going to sound like an ass, but why is the mod assuming that all radars are the mods radars? instead of checking only entity time check if it is a vanilla radar or a modified radar from this mod. fixes all problems with other radars.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


Something like this?

4 years ago

Released 0.1.3 with PyIndustry compatibility

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

If you are unhappy with the way this mod works in general, feel free to roll your own. You can even start with a fork of this one, the license allows you to do pretty much anything you wish with my code.

4 years ago

Thanks for updating the blacklist!

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