Configurable quick start

by Jorn86

Allows configurable starting equipment, anything from equipment and bots to steam engines and miners

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Adding included items, or altering inclusion parameters

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Great mod, by the way. Covers a rather rare in-game scenario but is #awesome# on those occasions where it does come in handy.

Would it be possible to include roboport buildings, solar / accums, personal shield mk 2's, or the tank-vehicle?

4 years ago

It's possible, but I made this mod mostly for early game help. If I add this, where does it end? The list of settings is already very long.

However if others feel it would be nice to have more different kinds of items, let me know here.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I kind of anticipated your reply, and I totally understand. For future reference, if I were to rank my preferences on the options I suggest in this thread, I'd say roboport buildings or tank-vehicles would be my first and second choices, respectively.

It occurs to me that one possible way you might be able to balance this mod is to make it so that higher-tier gear (i.e. shield mk2) would only be togglable in some quantity smaller than a stack. For example, blue belts stack to 100. To discourage a player from quickstarting with blue belts, you can say that blue belts granted by this mod would be limited to 10 or fewer. My logic behind this is that it would force a player, a player savvy enough to worry about game-start inventory slots available, that that only uses ten percent of an inventory slot's capacity of a full stack, but having any blue belts in his inventory takes a slot away from something that might be more meaningfully useful at early game, such as an extra stack of ammo for a deathworld, or a car-vehicle.

4 years ago

I think that kind of inventory management is beyond the scope of this mod. I'm not pretending it's balanced at all, it's meant to "cheat" past some part of the game. If a player decides that means having a ton of blue belts, that's fine with me.

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