Hey there, sorry that I let this one lapse. I set up a Dropbox folder at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/laqbb5jxu64a81t/AAAxfG90unHfDjxyWbKZ5qyOa?dl=0. There is the savefile and a minutes-old screenshot.
The savefile was from my attempts to bash my head against a wall with a particular map start with a specific set of design challenges I'd set for myself. I was becoming frustrated at repeated failures, and I noticed that even when re-rolling the exact same Map Exchange String, there could be actual slight differences, such as the exact tile-width of a resource patch. In my own effort to troubleshoot my actions, I decided to re-roll the map one last time and save a "pristine" and unplayed copy of it before proceeding, so that instead of re-rolling (with or without the MES) I could actually go back to the inception of the exact same map roll. shrug
Anyway, since then, obviously, I've migrated to Base v0.18.4 and attempted to incorporate this mod into my efforts. I realize now that adding this new mod would actually make it make sense for me to re-roll the map again entirely, since by using my "pristine copy" of the map, I've technically cheated myself of the benefit of the first go with this mod's behavior. I would ultimately prefer to disallow this mod on subsequent re-spawns, but for purposes of troubleshooting here I did re-enable this mod for re-spawns in the hopes that doing so would allow me to load into the game (at which point I confidently speculate that it would be necessary for me to somehow suicide in order to allow this mod to work for the first time.)
While I've since decided to move on in re-rolling maps anyway, this error here still concerns me. The reason is that, due to some hassles and close calls with my cloudsaved blueprint library (through almost losing it, losing parts of it, or parts of it becoming corrupted but still retrievable) I now maintain actual "hard copies" of my blueprints in a designated chest that I left in my Creative Mod test save. ... I get the same error loading into that save, too. I figure later this week I'll revert Factorio back down to v0.17, reinstall and re-synch the mods for that test map, blueprint everything built, and save the strings to a folder of text files for myself on my Windows desktop. Now that I think of it, that might even be a good idea for going forward than just saving hard copies in a savefile.
So, thanks for making this mod, and have a great evening.