pY Pollution & Energy deprecated

by esso23

Pollution, Energy and Fuel balance for Pyanodon's Mod Suite.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Double Coke

3 years ago

I'm currently trying to use bobs, py, and angels together. Also using momotweak and Touch by an angel. I don't think anything else is relevant, but i've noticed that I end up with 2 coke requirements in the carbon dioxide recipe, and only one of them is possible to provide.

I had a quick look in your source, and a few of the other mods, and i think it's caused by the following

-- Coke -> CO2 vs Biomass -> CO2 balancing
RECIPE("coke-co2"):set_fields {energy_required = 2}
RECIPE("coke-co2"):remove_ingredient("coke"):add_ingredient({type = "item", name = "coke", amount = 5})
SetRecipeResultAmount("coke-co2", "carbon-dioxide", 200);

as i think one of the other mods renames the coke ingredient to solid-coke (tbaa?)

I think this should be a relatively easy fix, and would be very happy if you could provide it, as i don't think this could be resolved as easily in the other mod.

3 years ago

Hi. The repo you posted is PyCoal Touched by and Angel, but you're posting it to a different mod (this is pY Pollution & Energy).

This thread has been locked.