
A Pushbutton that emits the configured signal as a pulse when pressed.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Change recipe cost

8 months ago

First of all, I love the mod and thanks for your work on it! I find having the button cost advanced circuits is a bit expensive though, and I often want to use the item in the early game but can't afford it yet because I haven't built oil infrastructure. I wonder if you would consider lowering the cost of the recipe or maybe adding a "cheap recipe" option if you want to keep its current state. Cheers!

8 months ago

I agree, it is strange that it is more expensive than the other combinators. Whilst this is a annoyance in vanilla, when playing with mods this is a real problem as often red circuits cannot be rushed in the same way.

8 months ago

That's exactly how I feel. Certain modpacks/overhaul mods can really extend the time and infrastructure needed to get red circuits.

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