
A Pushbutton that emits the configured signal as a pulse when pressed.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

i Ability to have > 1 tick pulse?

6 years ago

I've been thoroughly enjoying this mod, except I feel like a pulse longer than just a single tick would be nice to have as an option (Sometimes it seems that a single tick isn't long enough to trigger actions in some circuits). That, or maybe the ability to provide a pulse that stays on as long as you hold the key down.

6 years ago

I agree, this would be very useful

6 years ago

Connect it to a one-shot timer or pulse-stretcher circuit to generate the extended pulse.

6 years ago

Would be nice to have it hold as long as F is held down (oh, just like he said). Making more circuits kind of defeats the purpose.

1 year, 9 months ago

Would be nice to have it hold as long as F is held down.

I still would like to have this, also!!

1 year, 1 month ago

Would be nice to have it hold as long as F is held down.

I still would like to have this, also!!

Constant combinators toggle on F, so you can get 99% of that functionality with that. Just hit F to start your pulse, and F again to end it.

19 days ago

Agreed with Iassombra! use a const combinator Fon and Foff for longer pulses. The single tick pulse is SUPER useful.

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