Puppy's UPS Tools

by Puppy

A series of tools designed to help out with your UPS.

7 months ago

i Some suggestions

1 year, 8 months ago

1) Let UPS Tools dialog stay open after selecting an entity
2) Ability to filter out entities from showing up in the search. For example, in Space Exploration, spaceship clamps that are not connected by electrical wires show up, but I'm not going to modify those, so skip them.
3) Highlight entity when selected. (See Factory Search mod for example)

1 year, 8 months ago

Spaceship clamps that aren't connected by electrical wires consume UPS at the same rate as any other electric network, so I cannot advise filtering them out. That being said, I will see if I can add a filter without too much effort.

1 year, 8 months ago

I have added 1 and 3, and also added an extra feature about remembering the drag location, so now you can drag it to one side and much more easily "browse" the list. I looked briefly into adding the filter but the UI code for this is an arse, and I don't feel that it's a super important feature, so I will pass on this for now.

1 year, 8 months ago

Thanks for looking!

1 year, 8 months ago

Puppy, this persistent dialog is really nice. One thing more perhaps....i'm working through surfaces that have many electric networks and i'm going down the list to fix them by adding some power poles to connect them, but I'm having some hard time keeping track of which one i just fixed in the list. Anyway of keeping the -> arrow highlighted after making the selection so I can know which one to go to next?

1 year, 8 months ago

Can't highlight the button, but I can highlight the text. Please enjoy 0.2.2.

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

Nice, thanks! Loving the highlighted text. Makes it super easy to pick back where I left.

Regarding #3, in some situations, there might be networks that have many entities in its network. I'm noticing that when I select one of these, the highlight occurs on a single entity. Would it be possible to encompass all of the entities together, or highlight each entity in that electric network? I've noticed in some scenarios two electric networks that are not connected, but overlap in their coverage range causes a bit of confusion as to why one specific entity was highlighted when it seems to already exist on the primary electric network, but there was a rogue pole in hiding.

For example: https://imgur.com/a/fFAQeod
In the image linked, the entity pointed out by the arrow was being highlighted by the UPS tool. This entity falls under the coverage of a nearby powerpole pointed out next to it. However, after much banging of my head, I realized there was a power pole blending into the terrain that I never noticed. I actually had to dismantle the entity and rebuild it for the UPS tool to select a new entity.

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

Really, it's more of a "look over here" than something exact, because the electric network you click on might have many entities in it, or many entities/added removed since we did the scan, it's hard to do something "smart" and make it work reliably. Currently we just pick the first entity we find in the network which still exists when you click the button. One thing you can try in the current version is to re-scan, I have no control over the order in which scan results are returned but I doubt it's intentionally stable.

That being said, I could add an option to highlight all entities, and if you click the button and then go to a 200,000 entity network, or click a network with new entities added since the scan and they don't show up, that's on you.

1 year, 8 months ago

Perhaps a hard limit of how many entities should be highlighted when a selection occurs so its not an absurd mess. I think in the scenario I gave an example, anything under, lets say 400 (i'm sure there's a better number) would be a good candidate of finding out why entities are not grouped with the main electric network.

There's really no reason to even select an electric network with many many entities since I assume the goal here is to find disconnected networks.

1 year, 8 months ago

I think not, but you never know. However I tested this option and it actually.. performs totally fine, not ideal, but takes less time to highlight 30k entities than to perform a scan, so nothing problematic. I've more or less finished this feature, will probably aim to upload tomorrow morning.

1 year, 8 months ago

I think not, but you never know. However I tested this option and it actually.. performs totally fine, not ideal, but takes less time to highlight 30k entities than to perform a scan, so nothing problematic. I've more or less finished this feature, will probably aim to upload tomorrow morning.

Can't thank you enough. Also, are there other tools in this mod that I haven't found? I notice the name is Puppy's UPS Tools, but I'm only seeing the electric entity tool. Is there something else available, or are you planning more things?

1 year, 8 months ago

There is nothing else currently available, I have vague plans for other tools, but it's not really a top priority for me as my time available for modding is a lot lower than I expected when I started making this mod.

1 year, 8 months ago

Please enjoy 0.2.3 which adds some slight improvement for cross-surface networks and an option to highlight all entities if needed.

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

Its amazing!!! Great work

Just so you know, I've gone from a 6.9 UPS usage electric network down to 2.7, thanks to your mod.

1 year, 8 months ago

I had a most similar experience and that is why I decided to write it :)

1 year, 8 months ago

Hi,could you explain a bit more in detail how this works? Reason i am asking is i setup 1boiler 1 steam engine 5large poles 4 small ones 2 inserters and 4 miners,when i click to "find" what's wasting UPS it selects all miners and all the poles...so i cant wrap my head around it...or maybe i am using it wrong?

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

Hi,could you explain a bit more in detail how this works? Reason i am asking is i setup 1boiler 1 steam engine 5large poles 4 small ones 2 inserters and 4 miners,when i click to "find" what's wasting UPS it selects all miners and all the poles...so i cant wrap my head around it...or maybe i am using it wrong?

So, the objective of this mod is to find electric networks that are not part of the main/primary electric network. So, you'll find electric poles/entities that are not part of the electric network ID that you have everything on. When you see non-pole entities highlighted, you're seeing those entities that fall under that electric network id

1 year, 8 months ago

OK,but again if i have 1 steam engine producing electricity and all poles and entities are connected to that one power source where's the other electric network coming from that marks my setup as invalid/ups wasteful?

1 year, 8 months ago

The goal is to reduce the amount of network ids. Are you finding multiple network ids in the list? Just because things are getting highlighted doesn't mean they are wasteful. It's just a visual aid as to what entities are part of the network you just selected. For example, I play Space Exploration (a mod with many surfaces) and my Nauvis has just one network ID, this is good. But, some newly built outposts on another planet (surface) might have a bunch of network ID's when the tool scans that surface. I should try to consolidate the networks together into one, if possible.

In some cases, I have solar powered artillery outposts, and those will show up on my biter meteor planets, and to me, thats a cost I'm willing to pay, although I suppose I could build more planetary defenses.

1 year, 8 months ago

Ohhh ok i get it now,so if i use multiple electricity sources those are all separate ID's (since i do not use other mods that add surfaces) and should minimize them to improve UPS....correct?

1 year, 8 months ago

Ohhh ok i get it now,so if i use multiple electricity sources those are all separate ID's (since i do not use other mods that add surfaces) and should minimize them to improve UPS....correct?

Correct, the more separate electric networks you have, the more UPS usage occurs. When you push F4, and check 'show-time-usage', this would be the 'Electric network' stat.

1 year, 8 months ago

Got it,thx for the explanation! :)

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