exfret's randomizer

by exfret

Randomizes game properties, like belt speeds, inserter speeds, and more. Over a hundred game properties are touched. Download for the ultimate randomization experience that will force you to think in different new ways!

7 months ago

b InformaTron Bugs

8 months ago

I was looking at the InformaTron statistics, inserters, belts, bots, production, ect, all had the relevant buildings and stats changes listed. Meanwhile, nothing under the military tab. Military-related entities are clearly enough being randomized, but it's not showing up in InformaTron.

Additionally, if there's a mod that adds specialized variants of inserters or producers (Pneumatic Transport, Electric Furnaces), trying to open the respective tabs that would contain them causes a crash. These entities are also being correctly randomized, just not showing up in InformaTron correctly.

8 months ago

Thanks. The military randomizations not showing is a little embarrassing to admit, but I didn't get around to it. I should probably have just not included it, and maybe held off on informatron until it was really ready.

Those bugs are curious, I'll have to look into why there's a crash since they should be handled the same way. It might be that they're loading after my mod, but I should add in some safeguards to make sure there isn't a crash since that is very bad.

Thanks so much for the bug report.

  • exfret

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