exfret's randomizer

by exfret

Randomizes game properties, like belt speeds, inserter speeds, and more. Over a hundred game properties are touched. Download for the ultimate randomization experience that will force you to think in different new ways!

5 months ago

g Stack size info

9 months ago

I've noticed all info mods aren't compatible with this mod, for example stack sizes still show old pre randomized sizes.
Is there any recommendation how to be able to see the new stack sizes? Would be nice to see my new stone furnace stack to 1070 :D [or module slots etc]

9 months ago

there is a vanilla factorio option to see detailed item info.
control+shift+f while hovering over the item in the inventory or placed in the world.
it will open a long and complex list of all properties but don't feel overwhelmed, it has a search function, so finding what you need is simple enough.

does not work the same when hovering over the items in the crafting menu though, you need to actually have the crafted item, those shown items in that part of the menu have slightly different properties and don't show some things like stack size.

9 months ago

oh neat! thanks! that will surely do for now! :D
I'm wondering how all those info mods I tried failed to read the correct info

9 months ago

hmm... probably because they read the game files instead of the temporary data created whenever the game starts.
and normally that would be sufficient but this randomizer changes a lot of stuff that is normally left unchanged.

well, i'm not a mod maker so this is just my assumption.

9 months ago

also so turns out the stone furnace stack size is 15225...
would be very nice to have a mod setting option to cutoff stack sizes to let's say 1000 or something

9 months ago

I like the idea of cutoffs, but I wonder what they should be since it's hard for me to judge what most people will want. I personally like 15k stack sizes but I'm an agent of chaos.

Also, my randomizer runs after info mods, so they won't know that things will have changed. I'm not too sure how to fix this, but will look into it.

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

i suggest making an option for players to set their own hard-limit on stack sizes through a list with a few settings, like 50, 100, 500, 1000, 10000 and whatever limit you have set to the variable currently, so probably whatever 16bit has.
or if that is an option, make it a textbox without a limitation, so players can freely decide how challenging they want their seed to be.
just set a default value of 1000 and there shouldn't any issues.

oh, and while we are at it, please make an option for minimum stack size too! that is equally important!
because i'm tired of getting seeds with ore and plate stack sizes of around twenty...
and so, SO many recipes needing lots of them, so they are seriously clogging up the very limited inventory space i have...

9 months ago

haha, ye sometimes huge stack sizes can be great, definitely preferred over those 20ish ore stacks!
mainly the issue with huge stacks is having sort of a transport network with many consumers of the same item, starving rest of the stations until previous is done
like now playing with transport drones, waiting for 30k furnaces until the next depot starts working x)

looking forward for an update! thanks exfret!
good fun so far :)

9 months ago

+1 to the min stack idea!

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

like now playing with transport drones, waiting for 30k furnaces until the next depot starts working x)

wow, that is a lot of furnaces!
you must have set everything to near maximum to get to those to kinds of numbers.
sounds like a fun seed~

good fun so far :)

i would say it's more than just good fun for me, it's like trying the game for the first time again!
i mean, while the mechanics are always the same, the ratios and setup are always way different for each seed!
in one seed you may need half the normal amount of assemblers or furnaces, in another you need triple the amount because the crafting times for plates are over 20sec.
in one seed a single boiler can support 10 steam engines, in another it's only one and in yet another i lose power because the pumps can't supply enough water for more than a single boiler and the pipes can't handle the throughput of more any more pumps.
in one seed i can place mining drills in a straight line however i want, in another seed the output is fixed to two possible rotation, so every mining setup is horizontal.
in one seed the pistol is all i ever need to defeat even bigger biter nests, in another all military stuff sucks until late game. (had this part happen with my last seed. pistols were great but melee range, grenades were strong but short ranged and with enough AOE to always hurt myself and everything afterwards just sucked in different ways until artillery)

though the next best/worst thing after bad military ore/plate stack sizes is bad bot speed. i had a seed with bot speed 6 km/h, and that is with bot speed upgrade 4...
i could walk over double their speed even while having my walk speed reduced.
and their battery was also bad enough to never reach the next drone port at max support range...
while thinking up new setups to deal with these kinds of issues is part of the fun of this kind of randomizer, is was bad enough for me to immediately switch seeds.

9 months ago

I'm hearing you all! I'll add some caps to everything. I just need to figure out what some good caps would be. Right now, I do have some, for example, item stack sizes are set to minimum of 40% of original. But it sounds like I need more caps/checks in place.

9 months ago

for vehicles and bot speed i suggest somewhere around standard player walking speed as lower limit.
anything lower than that and they become too useless to function properly.

while i'm at the topic of limits, what is damage value range you set for ammo types?
i had seeds with yellow ammo ranging from ~3 damage up to 5.4, i think, what is the limit?

9 months ago

Uh... ammo has no limits. I should probably set some lol.

Those values sound good for vehicles. Bots are by default much slower than the player though without speed bonuses haha. It's something I've been fooled by myself in new games.

9 months ago

Uh... ammo has no limits. I should probably set some lol.

...does that mean i could have gotten a seed where yellow ammo does over 1000 damage?
that doesn't sound right.

Those values sound good for vehicles. Bots are by default much slower than the player though without speed bonuses haha. It's something I've been fooled by myself in new games.

seems i have fooled myself with that as well.
i usually have a builder bot start mod, which comes with a few bot speed upgrades, which makes them around default walking speed.
though please set their minimum speed at least somewhere close to their default please. i really want to keep making bot bases even with randomized settings and some speed is necessary for that to work.
especially since speed upgrades are multiplicative, meaning a bad default value will keep things exponentially worse than normal.

9 months ago

In my opinion, a base stack size of like 50 for buildings, 500 for tiles, and 200 for intermediates/walls seems "normal".
If you increase density, you should reduce the amount that item contributes (eg, if coal has 20mw, then it should be 5x harder to mine or 1/5th the stack size) - as a baseline, plus or minus some variance.
Just my two thoughts, some ideas are probably better

9 months ago

so you would want items to be worth about the same, just with different nuances?
well, that would certainly balance things, but isn't the very point of a randomizer that things are supposed to be very different?
i mean, a property randomizer will make you find new basic designs for every step of the production while a recipe randomizer will make you use new combinations of those basic setups to get the desired product.
if you just change the value/amount and difficulty/production time proportionally,the setups will looks basically the same, just a big shorter or longer for each step.
but if the things are changed chaotically, the setups may vary a lot more, in both size and significance for each product, which is the very fun point of randomizers.

again, you idea has merit, just not for randomizers, in my opinion.

as for the stack sizes, it seems i usually prefer my stacks to be a bit larger than yours.
for tiles i don't really care, stacks of 100 are enough for me.
but for basic materials like plates, 1000 per tacks sometimes still feels too little. (probably just my habit of hand crafting too much.)
intermediate products are usually needed in increasingly smaller quantities with each step, so stack size 200~300 for the low tier stuff like green circuits and ammo and 20~50 for the higher tier stuff like modules and RCUs.
the stuff in between, like batteries and engines, are mostly just belt fed directly into assemblers, so stack sizes don't matter as much there.

9 months ago

I think danjen was just suggesting this so things are properly random. Increasing crafting speed without increasing power, for example, essentially randomizes power to be better indirectly. I don't think there was a suggestion to make the end result would be balanced. Power could still be randomized to be worse/better, it just wouldn't also depend on crafting speed.

9 months ago

as i understand it, the idea was to basically pool the value/worth of an item from all changeable properties and only randomize the weight of the factors that contribute to that pool, without really changing the total worth/usefulness of the item.
so for coal that would be normal fuel value, crafting/mining time and stack size. changing the fuel fuel by times 10 would be balanced by having the stack size divided by 10 or having the crafting/mining time multiplied by ten.
meaning the items total value/usefulness would remain unchanged while the properties themselves are changed, making the changes as a whole balanced.

of course players could still benefit from changes, since they don't usually use all possible properties of an item.
like how stack size can be disregarded if the item only ever gets used as an intermediary product and either gets directly put into the next assemble of stays on belts most of the time.

so my thoughts about the idea was that is was too tame for wild changes a randomizer is supposed to bring.
sure, you can make such a version for people who are more interested in only mixing things up a little, but as i said before in my opinion a randomizer should bring significant changes, whether they are advantages or downright awful, because dealing with those changes is the core fun principle of a randomizing anything.

8 months ago

Update: The stack size info mod author didn't respond to my request for a simple modification to their mod that would fix things. (Not that I blame them, it's my mod's issue after all). Unfortunately, there's not much I can do to fix this on my end.

However, notnotmelon's extended descriptions, which includes stack size info, should now have a fix that should make it completely compatible with my mod! Here is the link to his mod: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/extended-descriptions

New response