exfret's randomizer

by exfret

Randomizes game properties, like belt speeds, inserter speeds, and more. Over a hundred game properties are touched. Download for the ultimate randomization experience that will force you to think in different new ways!

7 months ago

b Inserters dont move

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

with only the mod active, when the "Randomize logistics " is ticked on the turning speed of the inserters gets randomized yes but they dont turn anymore they dont even grab something when its in front of them.
When its ticked off inserters work fine.
edit: well just noticed when chaos is bigger than 1 at 2 or 3 its not working at least

11 months ago

I just am about to push an update to fix this. I had some limits on how awful things could be, but apparently they weren't enough, so that inserters could be given a movement speed of less than the minimum distance in factorio per tick. Right now, things other than the default settings seem to be buggy in general, but I'm working to fix this. Thanks for the report and thank you for your patience.

11 months ago

By the way, this should be fixed in the newest version

11 months ago

yes works now thanks...and its bonkers with what a world i have now~~

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