Project Corona


Intended to be played with all dependencies & use default mod settings. Select Project Corona Map Generator Setting.

Mod packs
3 years ago
0.18 - 1.0

g Enjoying this pack so far. Few mod suggestions:

3 years ago

I'm in the early game right now and the lack of bob deadlock is a little odd. Omnimatter makes sense but an argument could be made against it as it only interacts with omni machines.

I also suggest making the pack itself have mandatory dependents rather than optional, then the core mod be a separate mod. Manually installing each mod in the list was a pain.

3 years ago

I honestly play with close to 150 mods when I do a play through. I do have my mod list in a text file on git hub if you want to check out the full list of the ones I use. The idea behind this mod pack is more to create a compatibility between all the mods I use, i.e. taking away duplicate entities and adding in some entities from non-maintained deprecated mods.

Omnimatter is included in the dependencies list because the mod pack has the option to use the mods default map gen presets. Which in order to access different ore types that other mods create they need to be set as dependents. You'll notice the mod packs preset will also change all bobs ores if you choose not to use Omnimatter.

I completely agree that it's a pain to download all the mods separately, but I wanted to keep the pack as flexible as possible so users can pick and choose what they want to use. If you look at this post if the add in my idea it would resolve this issue and make it way easier to just add all my mods I use as dependencies. Then I could go through and make my giant list of mods all compatible with each other and not have it a nightmare to download them all individually.

I do appreciate the feedback though and will definitely look into adding those two as dependencies. If there's nothing to add/remove from them it's a super simple file edit, if there is a conflict with something then i'll have to tweak some things.

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