Prismatic Belts

by Kirazy

Colors the conveyor surface of transport belts to match the arrows, improving visibility. Supports Bob's mods and Artisanal Reskins, Krastorio 2, Ultimate Belts, Factorio Extended Plus and Random Factorio Things and in combination with Miniloader, Loader Redux, Deadlock Stacking Beltboxes & Loaders and Vanilla Loaders.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0


Version: 2.0.4
Date: 2024-12-30
    - Added support for AAI Loaders
Version: 2.0.3
Date: 2024-11-08
    - Added support for split-lane entities from Loaders Modernized
    - Fixed Ultimate Belts support for loaders from Loaders Modernized
    - Updated Japanese and Ukrainian localizations
Version: 2.0.2
Date: 2024-10-30
    - Added support for Loaders Modernized
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 2024-10-27
    - Removed conditional requires.
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 2024-10-27
    - Added support for Factorio: Space Age!
      - Requires supplementary asset mod Prismatic Belts: Space Age. An error will be raised if the mod is not present when Space Age is enabled
    - The API has been reworked:
      - Mod authors should now require the API with `require("__prismatic-belts__.prototypes.api")`
      - Added `get_transport_belt_frozen_patch`, taking either 1, 2, or 3 as an input to get the Space Age `frozen_patch` for transport belts. Returns `nil` if Space Age is not enabled
      - Functions `get_transport_belt_animation_set` and `create_remnant` `inputs` structures now have additional properties:
        - `tint_base_as_overlay` (suggested true)
        - `tint_mask_as_overlay` (suggested true)
        - `arrow_tint` (Color); Adds an extra layer to raise the brightness of arrows when working with a darker `mask_tint` when defined, otherwise does nothing.
      - Function `create_remnant` now supports variants; 3 requires Space Age
      - Functions `get_transport_belt_icon` and `get_transport_belt_technology_icon` `inputs` structures now have additional properties:
        - `arrow_tint` (Color); Adds an extra layer to raise the brightness of arrows when working with a darker `mask_tint` when defined, otherwise does nothing. It is suggested to use low gray values and an alpha value of 0
    - Factorio Library has been removed as a dependency
  Breaking Changes:
    - The Prismatic Belt global function host `prismatic_belts` has been removed
    - The API has been reworked:
      - `adjust_alpha` has been removed
      - `transport_belt_picture` has been removed
      - `logistics_technology_icon` has been renamed to `get_transport_belt_technology_icon`
        - The `inputs` structure has been revised:
          - `use_reskin_process` has been removed
          - `arrow_tint` (a Color type) has been added; when omitted, the extra "arrow" layer is not added to the icon. Use to raise the brightness of arrows when working with a darker `mask_tint`.
      - `transport_belt_icon` has been renamed to `get_transport_belt_icon`, and the inputs have been reworked into a single `inputs` structure
      - `transport_belt_animation_set` has been renamed to `get_transport_belt_animation_set`
        - The `inputs` structure has been revised:
          - `use_reskin_process` has been removed
          - `brighten_arrows` (boolean) has been replaced with `arrow_tint` (Color); suggested tints are e.g. `util.color("5")
      - `create_remnant` `inputs` structure has been revised:
        - `use_reskin_process` has been removed
        - `brighten_arrows` (boolean) has been replaced with `arrow_tint` (Color); suggested tints are e.g. `util.color("5")
Version: 1.3.0
Date: 2024-10-22
    - Compatible with 2.0
Version: 1.2.5
Date: 2024-08-31
    - Added partial support for French
Version: 1.2.4
Date: 2023-07-02
    - Added partial support for Japanese
Version: 1.2.3
Date: 2023-04-01
    - Added partial support for Spanish, Simplified Chinese localizations
Version: 1.2.2
Date: 2022-03-29
    - Added Ukrainian localization
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 2021-09-12
    - Added Brazilian Portuguese localization
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 2021-08-05
    - Completed function `prismatic_belts.logistics_technology_icon`
    - Logistics-type technologies in all supported mods are now reskinned to be visually consistent with the colored belt surfaces
    - Revised flib migration module importing, modifying function `is_newer_version`, and adding additional functions `is_older_version`, `is_version_or_older`, `is_version`, and `is_version_or_newer` at `prismatic_belts.migration`
    - Added additional color masks to support underlying masking changes in Artisanal Reskins version 2.0.0+
    - Revised spritesheet generation functions for simplicity and to support using Artisanal Reskin style spritesheets; does not break API
    - Fixed that the transport belt animation set function used the wrong spritesheet when `brighten_arrows` was set to `true`
    - Fixed that the `tint` parameter was not truly optional for the function `prismatic_belts.transport_belt_icon`
    - Added Russian localization
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 2021-03-13
    - Added German localization
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 2021-03-04
    - Now optionally dependent on Artisanal Reskins: Library version 1.1.3, and tier labels respect Artisanal Reskins: Bob's Mods setting "Bob's Logisitcs"
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 2021-02-26
    - Images are now losslessly compressed, instead of lossy; there is a modest increase in filesize
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 2021-02-19
    - Fixed minor visual issues with the tintable spritesheets
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 2021-02-19
    - Fixed that the version of Artisanal Reskins that was supported was the development version
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2021-02-18
    - Initial release
    - Reskins the transport belt surface to colors that match the arrows, and updates related icons, structures, and remnants
    - Supports belts from Bob's Logistics, Krastorio 2, Ultimate Belts, Factorio Extended Plus and Random Factorio Things
    - Supports loaders from Miniloaders, Loader Redux, Deadlock Stacking Beltboxes & Loaders and Vanilla Loaders
    - Supports Artisanal Reskins tier labels and custom colors
    - Public-facing API for mod authors to create their own colored transport belts, see FAQ for details