
Warptorio2 but the planets thing is a standalone library that can be used by anyone to make and work with planets, surface templates, and simple automation and management of surface-specific events (e.g. only raised if an entity is built on that planets surface) and chunk generation.

1 year, 7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b API Issue (maybe)

2 years ago

I'm trying to make a compatibility mod with some alternate resource mods (currently with an eye to Bob's and Angel's). Two observations I've so far.

First issue is the UpdateTemplate remote API doesn't seem to actually work. If I modify a template on init and call update, the change doesn't manifest, however if I the register method the changes are effective.

The other question/issue is I note the RemoveTemplate method is not among the remote calls. For something like Angel's an Iron world would be obviously out of place. Any way the RemoveTemplate method could be added to the remotes?


1 year, 11 months ago

Those two functions are used internally to manage the copy of the templates table held by mods.
The ore issues are unrelated, and have been fixed in the latest version 0.1.4

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