Planet Reorder

Consistently orders the planets and related things in the order: Nauvis, Vulcanus, Fulgora, Gleba, and Aquilo

a month ago

b Incompatibility with Nuclear Science

2 months ago

Got an error on game launch that lab input #9 was the metallurgic science pack rather than agricultural. The mod Nuclear Science adds a new science pack for Nauvis, so it bumps the space age packs up a number. After disabling that mod, the game launches without issue.

Not sure if this counts as a bug per se, but I figured I'd report the incompatibility at least.

2 months ago

Thanks for letting me know! I've released a new version with a fix (as long as the mod doesn't remove the Agricultural or Electromagnetic science packs, or put another science pack in between them, it should work).

New response