Selector Combinator (Factorio 2.0 preview) deprecated

Adds a combinator that can select from the input sorted by largest/smallest, count inputs, output a random input, and calculate the stack size.

1 year, 1 month ago
Circuit network

i Would be nice to have a UPS-friendly mode

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

I'd be interested in having a mode where instead of activating each tick, it only activates once per 15 seconds or so. It would be more than good enough for both of my use cases (in AngelBob, prioritizing the ores which are fewest in store). Although I'm not sure how much it would affect UPS in the first place - maybe I'll be fine if it runs each tick? My UPS is 60 and my factory isn't that big. I wish the description was more specific about this.

Edit: if this gets added, it would be great to have all selector combinators run together. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to reliably calculate the difference between the #1 and #2 highest values in a list, if they change dynamically, and are strongly correlated, and I need to do this for AngelBob's ore sorting, to run the #2 most desirable method only when it's almost as good as #1.

10 months ago

I heavily optimized this mod for my own use, but I've been unable to get in touch with Pigophone to share my changes. In the meantime, someone started a Selector re-write with added support for the item quality mod, so I've started collaborating with them. If you're interested in testing, etc, my Discord is jimviebke.

10 months ago

@Matrix_V would you mind sharing the link to the source code or fork?

10 months ago

Yeah, please post the link to the fork !

10 months ago

I'm working to get this published within the next few days. I appreciate the interest!

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

Published to the mod portal: UPS-friendly Selector combinator

10 months ago

Great! I will comment there then!

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