Selector Combinator (Factorio 2.0 preview) deprecated

Adds a combinator that can select from the input sorted by largest/smallest, count inputs, output a random input, and calculate the stack size.

1 year, 1 month ago
Circuit network

b Reselecting Blueprints wipes config

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Firstly, Awesome mod, thanks.

If you select a selector combinator as part of a blueprint it works fine.
If you then use the 'Select New Contents for this Blueprint' button, it does not copy the config of the combinator, and so when you place the blueprint it defaults to select mode not stack size.

Expected behaviour: Creating a new blueprint and updating an existing one should be consistent
Actual behavour: They're not
Steps to repro:
1. Place a selector combinator in stack size mode.
2. Create a blueprint of it (ctrl, shift, c) and put the blueprint in your hotbar.
3. Place blueprint down and verify that the combinator is set to stack size mode.
4. Edit the blueprint, and use the 'select new contents' button to recreate the blueprint with the same combinator.
5. Place it down
6. It is not in stack size mode any more

1 year, 1 month ago

I'm guessing this is an engine limitation due to lack of events firing for that select new contents blueprint action causing problems for a lot of mods, not just this one.

New response