Selector Combinator (Factorio 2.0 preview) deprecated

Adds a combinator that can select from the input sorted by largest/smallest, count inputs, output a random input, and calculate the stack size.

1 year, 3 months ago
Circuit network

b Combinator not showing in 1.1.94 (b61774/win64)

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

Mod shows installed and active in main menu 'Mods' option, but I cannot find this combinator in game.

Base mod 1.1.94
Factorio Library 0.13.0
Selector Combinator (2.0 preview) 0.2.1
UPS Friendly Nixeis Tube Display 0.1.19

I am trying to run this mod on an existing save.

Perhaps I'm just in a low intelligence state right now, but I'd expect this to turn up under logistics with the other combinators but I can't see it there, or under any other tab.

As an 'ex-'programmer I love the logistics network and think it has a lot of promise. Mods like this are just what I need!! ;-)

Stay Groovy,

1 year, 3 months ago

@Halflite take a look at fCPU, then ;)

New response