Paste Logistic Settings

by Ezza

Adds the ability to paste assembler/furnace recipes onto Storage chests to set their Logistic filter, and onto inserters to set a Logistic connection condition allowing one stack within the network.

1 year, 4 months ago
Logistic network

b Pasting to Pyanodon's inserters

29 days ago
(updated 29 days ago)

All Pyanodon's inserters have whitelist/blacklist settings, even the most basic ones. Currently when pasting from an assembler to an inserter, it sets the filters to the recipe ingredients which is not helpful behaviour. Additionally, because many Pyanodon recipes require fuel with ash by-products, the inserters should explicitly be set to whitelist only the item being set in the circuit condition so they don't grab ash.

Pasting a recipe from an assembler to a Pyanodon's inserter

The inserter mode does not change from either blacklist or whitelist.
The filter is set to the first ingredients of the recipe.

The inserter should be set to whitelist mode.
The whitelist filter should be set to the same item as the circuit condition.

29 days ago
(updated 29 days ago)


27 days ago


All the filtering stuff on copy/paste is standard behaviour built into the base game which I'm hesitant to change unless necessary. I never worried about it previously since I rarely use filtered inserters. I believe in the expansion specific filter inserters are going away and all inserters will have the functionality similar to py so if it's not acting cleanly I'll probably need to consider a change. I'm busy for the next few weeks but after that will hopefully be able to have a look at how it's interacting in py and see if there's a clear clean solution to alter it if necessary.

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