Parameterized Blueprints - Fix some crashes

Implements a simplified version of the Parameterized Blueprints shown in FFF-392

26 days ago

g [Done] Add compatibility with Editor Extensions

a month ago

Editor Extensions do have productivity modules without limitations, so there will be a crash of Parametrized Blueprints on Startup because of data-updates.lua

There needs to be an additional check in data-updates.lua line 10 like this:
if value.limitation then
value.limitation[#value.limitation+1] = "placeholder-" .. i

26 days ago

Thank you! I will definitely add a check in the coming days :)

26 days ago

Done! Could you update the mod to 1.0.7 and let me know if that solved your problem?

26 days ago

Yes, it loads without issues! Thanks!

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