Orbital Transfer - Inter-Platform Logistics

by urthen

Adds provider and requester chests to send items between platforms orbiting the same location

3 months ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

g Worked a while not anymore

3 months ago

I'm always out "of the network" since I started using it over Fulgora. Any ideas?

3 months ago

Can you try turning on debugging messages and sending any broken platforms away and then back to their orbits?
It should give a message when it starts to leave, and when it returns, and the platforms currently in the same orbit.

3 months ago

I'm having the same issue. (I just picked up the mod and can't get it to work). With debug on a platform enters nauvis orbit and both platforms are listed, but neither one indicates "in network" and nothing transfers.

3 months ago

ok i managed to get it to work. I had to create a new requester chest while in the network.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

ok i managed to get it to work. I had to create a new requester chest while in the network.

how did you get the chests to be "in network"? I've only been able to accomplish one single item transfer so far

3 months ago

I deleted and re-created the chest while both platforms were in the same orbit.

New response